Become An Instructor
Teaching Culinary Skills 1-2-3
You are proficient in many areas in the kitchen. This expertise could be with styles and styles of foods and cusines.
This could also be your mastery of special equipment (food processors, pressure cookers, etc.) And don't think your talents
need to be that of a formal culinary arts program. People are fasinated by food and countless cable food shows wouldn't
survive unless those interested people were watching. And make no mistake, these cable food shows take a subject or menu from
start to finish. However there is a lot to be said about a live classroom setting. Many people are tacit learners - they learn
best when they can put hands-on for themselves.
Small class envioronments (6-20 participants) allow for a manageable group. Depending on what the subject matter is, maybe each student
has a "station", or perhaps they work in groups of 2-4. Many variables exist - subject matter, exactly what it is that you are trying
to teach, the physical space, access to equipment required for that subject matter, etc.
Regardless of what you are attempting to teach, your expertise and our roadmap for how to assemble and teach a small class is the
recipe for success. Some people who are simply a genius in the kitchen are not well suited to teach that information. If you happen to be
the type of person who shys away from public speaking, are uncomfortable being the center of attention or have other barriers that
prevent you from accepting the role as an instructor, then this program may not be of much value to you.
If you are comfortable in an instructor position, then we can assist when the nuts & bolts of organizing small classes.
This program fully details how you can effectively provide in-home cooking classes, in-home demonstrations or commercial culinary demonstrations.
People from all backgrounds have a growing interest in food, from the simple how-to shows all the way to gourmet creations. You will find an audience
from both extremes - but primarily somewhere in the middle.
Consider teaching culinary skills as an additional revenue source. Perhaps with time and refinement you may be able and sustain
a weekly class. But more realistically, begin this idea with one class a month for starters. Our program will show you how,
and you will then take the lead in whatever direction(s) are appropriate. Let us show you the administrative, organizational and
marketing skills to compliment your special talents.
Take a moment to examine the reference manual table of contents plus
review the contents of the associated Digital Resources.
Now for the always asked, initial questions and concerns.
What will you learn from this program, in simple terms.
You will learn about requirements, standards, insurance needs, curriculum development, class management,
start-up adminstration, pricing a class and marketing your class.
How long will it take to complete this program?
This is not an exhaustive program, meaning, the materials we provide won't take months to
describe, but once you are armed with this program information it will depend on you to
assemble, refine and tweak - and realistically this could take a few weeks.
Can I make this a full time career?
If constant, full time culinary class instruction is your goal, you will be best suited to
get involved with a formal school setting - at least until you have a solid grasp. Our program will certainly
be a step in that direction, however our mission is to prepare you for the smaller, less frequent educational
settings and classes.
When you're ready to get started, go to the "Purchase" tab and enroll for this exciting Teaching Culinary Skills option.
If you've still got questions, please review our frequently asked questions (FAQ) section, or send us your question and we'll be happy to provide an answer.